Aug. 16, 2003 – At 5:11 a.m. the doorbell rang at the residence of Bill and Erin Weaver in Macon. A Macon police officer had awakened them with a message to call the emergency room at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta — Mike Weaver had been injured in an altercation, a woman said, and the Weavers were summoned to the hospital. Their son Dan was at home, and he opted to stay at home to care for the pets. On the way to the hospital, the Weavers started calling Mike’s friends; one had told Dan that Mike had been shot in the arm. At the hospital, medical staff said Mike was injured too severely to be saved. He had died on the way to the hospital and efforts to revive him had been unsuccessful. Since it was a homicide case, the Weavers’ request to see their dead son was denied, since his body had yet to be processed for the criminal investigation. By 7:15 a.m. the Weavers were back on the road, headed home to Macon. Their daughter Molly was called, as was Dan, as were close family friends and co-workers.
Aug. 18, 2003 – Mike’s body was donated to LifeLink, the Georgia organ donor program, and then his remains were cremated. A visitation was held at Hart’s Mortuary for the Weaver family. Memorabilia of Mike’s baseball days and his music were present, as were members of the Weaver and Malloy families who had flown or drove in from Colorado, Iowa, Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Kansas, as well as from Georgia. An estimated 1,000 people, some of whom waited for hours in stifling heat outside the funeral home, took the time to visit with the Weavers.
Aug. 19, 2003 – The funeral service was held at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, with Monsignor John Cuddy officiating. Readings were given by Joan Weaver Cross, Nancy Weaver Roach, Jane Weaver-Sobel, Dan Malloy, Jim Malloy and Tom Joyce. Also, Alec Ridley and Adam Dukes, close friends of Mike’s, offered their remembrances, as did Dr. Steve Smith, who offered “A Tribute to Mike.” The church seats about 750 people, and it was full with people standing the aisles of Mike’s friends, fraternity brothers, relatives, family friends and family acquaintances. Following the service, the family greeted people during a reception in the church fellowship hall.