About 60 letters and statements were received from Mike’s friends and family in preparation for the judge’s sentencing. Here’s a list of those people who submitted letters — according to the copies that were provided to us. If this list omits your name, but you submitted a letter, please send us a copy and we’ll add you to the list. These letters will remain a part of Jason Futch’s file, and when the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles — how ever many years from now — considers whether to release him on parole, these letters will be there for the board members to review. The letters are strong statements about the wonderful person Mike was, and they will surely convince any board member that Futch should be punished a long time because he killed a loving, kind, thoughtful human being.
Bill Weaver
Erin Weaver
Molly Weaver
Dan Weaver
Matthew Mobley
Margaret Hicklin
Michael Clifton
Stephanie Jackson
Ashley Tanner
Brady Clarke
Joan Weaver Cross
Dan Malloy
Jim Malloy
Nancy Weaver Roach
Jane Weaver-Sobel
Patricia Galloway
Whit Ferguson
Jason Faulkner
Cheryl Adams
Stephen Adams
Marie Bailey
Dorothy Brown
Stephen Burch
Pamela Burkhalter
Kay Carr
Charlotte Eisel
Sherri Evans
Betsy Griffin
Sara Kate Griffin
Tonya Griggers
Jim Hardin
Carol Head
Stephen Herr
Chickie Hill
Jeannie Webb Hodges
Zack Johnson
Velma Gene Clarke
Daria Chesnut
Adam Dukes
Jennifer Moody Bono
Alexandra Klingelhofer
Karen Klingelhofer
Deborah Kruger
Jennifer Kruger
Matthew Lewis
Kate Martin
Shelley Kruger
Laura-Lee McCranie
Jessica McDaniel
Ruth McDaniel
Sheila McRae
Theresa Nottingham
Pat Painter
Brad Odom
Kim Reining-Gray
Mary Anne Richardson
Anna Cate Ridley
Catherine Ridley
Libby Penn
Alec Ridley
William David Ruff
Toni Ryle
Thomas Simmons
Michael Smith
Brian Smith
Kelly Smith
Steven Smith
Patty Tresemer
Pamela Wacter
Jeannie Waters
Nancy Taylor
Dale Watts
Ruth Watts
Betsy Watts
Rachel Watts
Nancy White
Anna Williams
Garrison Wood
Michael Roach
Matt Mundy